"Celebrating students from school to work"
Tekelia Kelly is a STEAM Teaching Artist with the TN Arts Commission who loves to celebrate the talents, gifts and skills of every child. Her Celebrate Chattanooga, CHIPS & InternCHIPS platforms offer students STEAM (STEM + Art) education, as well as business, communications, digital media and IT skills, to help them go from school to work more successfully; with projects for school, service learning, sponsors, portfolios, to display here and more. To learn more see below.
Thank you for your support!
Your help directly supports Chattanooga students!
Make your secure, online, tax-deductible donation TODAY! Every dollar helps! Here are examples how:
$50 provides CHIPS tutoring or class for a student
$100 sponsors a CHIPS computer camp for a day
$250 sponsors a CHIPS STEAM project workshop

Please complete this form for sponsor/advertising info.Celebrate Chattanooga is a sponsored project of Fractured Atlas, a non-profit arts service organization. Contributions for the charitable purposes of Celebrate Chattanooga must be made payable to "Fractured Atlas" only and are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law.
Students learn/use art, business and technology to create and communicate for school and work.
Sponsors support students with mentoring, job shadowing or co-ops for school-to-work success.
CHIPS develops students' talents, education and skills. INTERNCHIPS posts jobs, news, training and elearning.
We are grateful for our sponsors, service providers, students and supporters who help make this project possible. We are a social enterprise dedicated to celebrating and connecting people and communities. If you would like to be a sponsor of this site, please contact us. Please click here to make your secure, online, tax-deductible donation. Thank you!
Celebrate Chattanooga is Chattanooga's "Celebration Station for Student Education", and a partner in helping students go from school to work more successfully! Tekelia Kelly is a Tennessee Arts Commission STEAM Teaching Artist and professional Instructional Designer, who is devoted to empowering every child with the knowledge and skills needed to realize their full potential. She has designed her CHIPS Learning System to help do exactly that.
The CHIPS Learning System is a hybrid learning solution composed of CHIPS Learning Enrichment, CHIPS Service Learning, and the InternCHIPS programs. The solution is portable and scalable and can be delivered as camps,classes, and courses both online and onsite. Programs can be installed at sites with or without computers. For more information about installations, please contact us.
Celebrate Chattanooga serves as a "virtual" service learning portal for students in Tekelia Kelly's CHIPS and INTERNCHIPS programs. Ms. Kelly is prinicpal teacher along with a team of other teaching professionals, pyschologist and industry experts. Programs are designed to extend, enrich and empower learning beyond the school classroom, and are designed for students Pre-K to Pre-college. It is our desire to help prepare students to go from school to work more successfully.
CHIPS provides students learner-adaptive, standards-based assessment and academic enrichment. Students learn art, business, information technology and leadership skills for developing multimedia projects, critical thinking, communications and presentations skills. Students are exposed to and work on projects involving the arts, business, engineering, computer technology, marketing, communications, digital and social media, and music recording with sponsors who recommend their work for this site.
Students create community-based service learning projects along with sponsor support. A list of sevice learning project ideas along with direct support are given for easy and flexible management and production. Students are considered as "Community Communications Correspondents" who report about project(s) in a multimedia format to Celebrate Chattanooga. Students are showcased along with their sponsors and projects at Celebrate Chattanooga and via newsletter.
We are dedicated to helping sponsors "inspire and hire" high school students, for better school-to-work success. In our model, students develop academic, creativity, digital and technical skills that help build their marketability and work portfolios for employment, entrepreneurship and/or education advancement. Companies are corporate citizens who support community, workforce, education and economic development. Together, the student and sponsor's project is showcased via the Celebrate Chattanooga website, also spotlighting both student and sponsor via newsletter.
We service organizations who wish to integrate art STEAM based learning strategies into their learning environment. Individuals or groups who have a relationship with student at home, school, job, church, youth group, and the like, and who wish to work with student(s) and develop their educational, technology, art, and/or interpersonal skills, as well as support their project needs, to include financial assistance are appreciated as student sponsor(s).
We are a social enterprise, collaborative space, service learning program, and a community collective across art, education, business, technology and service sectors. We showcase students, sponsors and supporters who believe that art and technology are an integral part of education, and students must be connected to mentors and to society in order to be ready and go from school to work more successfully.
We help empower student success through our 1-on-1 tailored life, job and career skills training; mentoring; and hands-on work experience. Here students get to "show what they know!" for the whole world to see...in a way that benefits them and the whole community. We're working together, in the words of former of Mayor of Chattanooga, Bob Corker, "across the sectors in a chorused way". That's how we "Celebrate Chattanooga!"
Please consider becoming a sponsor TODAY! To make a secure, online, tax deductible donation, please click on the following link: Fractured Atlas. To register to participate, please complete form above, and we will be in touch with you shortly.
Thank you!
Tekelia C. Kelly
Tekelia Kelly, is a Tennessee Arts Commission STEAM Teaching Artist and Instructional Designer
Contact us about grant funding for Tekelia to come to your school or organization for arts integration or as an on-site resident artist.